首页 艺术社区 BANK 新展 | 孙一钿个展《在黄昏时起飞》11月10日 SUN YITIAN Solo Open

BANK 新展 | 孙一钿个展《在黄昏时起飞》11月10日 SUN YITIAN Solo Open

2022-07-08 21:50 1874浏览



Poster Design by Zhizhi Liu


Fly only when the shades of night gather

双联 diptych

布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas 2021


Courtesy of Sun Yitian and BANK MABSOCIETY




Fly only when the shades of night gather

开幕式/Opening: 11月10日 Nov 10

展览时间/Show Duration:10.11.2021-30.01, 2022

地点/Address:  上海市徐汇区安福路298弄2号楼底楼 

Basement, No,2, Lane 298, An Fu Rd, Shanghai 





孙一钿 2021.10.25

孙一钿 Yitian Sun

Ken 2021

布面油画 Oil on canvas 


Courtesy of Sun Yitian and BANK MABSOCIETY

"When philosophy paints its grey in grey, one form of life has become old, and by means of grey it cannot be rejuvenated, but only known. The owl of Minerva takes its flight only when the shades of night are gathering.”

—— Hegel

Sun Yitian takes Hegel’s beautiful metaphor of philosophy as inspiration for her much-anticipated second solo exhibition at BANK. The owl has always been a sagacious creature in Western mythology due to its close association with Minerva, the Roman goddess of wisdom. Hegel claims that (the owl) wisdom takes wing with dusk, or that the meaning and purpose of an era can come only in hindsight, at the close of that epoch. Sun frames her exhibition with images of an owl on one side and a depiction of Minerva- not only the goddess of wisdom but of the arts, trade, and war - on the other.  By bookending a seemingly fantastical adventure in imagery (inflatable toys, an enigmatic beach scene, shiny jewels, etc.) with these two symbols of wisdom, Sun poses the question - what in hindsight might these lustrous signifiers of our contemporary material culture add up to? What wisdom can we procure from the trajectory of our material feats? What will self-conscious reflection bare from the sparkles and dust on these immaculate surfaces? Sun has always been focused on the surface of objects, most notably inflatable plastic toys. Growing up around the market stalls of Yiwu, watching Disney, and drinking bubble tea, it is only natural that these objects of tactile compulsion have landed on Sun’s austere canvas. But her penetrating technique and exacting surfaces- surfaces that “fosters the urge to lick them” lead the viewer into her trap. These objects, at once playful, hollow and ostentatious also possess an ominous side, one that her signature, intense drop shadow exaggerates and that our society’s increasing unsustainability corroborates. Karen Smith writing in Sun’s forthcoming catalog essay states “It has been said that Sun Yitian’s art is a reflection of its context, created within a numb society fascinated with façade, obsessed with smooth, nervous of anything dark lurking behind a simple façade”. Yet it is the reciprocal paradox of aversion and attraction that is of interest here- there is always dark where there is light and it is the shades of night in which the owl flies.

Deep eyes wandering, piercing the reality of the maze’s barrier, seeing numerous appearances, no way to know the hidden heart. Owls take off at dusk and see the trace of everything that has happened during the day, all the tracks of birds flying over, the trails of mountains and rivers, the glimpses of islands circling, the soaring reflections of water. All objects are visible in the light and observed in the dark. They are static, dynamic, multi-layered, fictitious and artificial. Wherever they go they stop; wherever they go they are scenery.      

Sun Yitian  2021.10.25            

More About the artist

孙一钿,1991年出生于中国浙江,2015年毕业于中央美术学院油画系,同年保送中央美术学院油画系研究生,2018年毕业,现生活、工作于北京。她的作品涉及绘画,装置,行为,时装跨界。她的作品以“物”为切口暗喻背后的劳动与生产,揭示超消费主义和男权社会的内在机制。孙一钿曾入选2019年亚洲福布斯30岁以下杰出青年。作品曾在BANK 画廊,香港 Mine Projects, 阿尔敏·莱希(上海),伦敦弗里兹艺博会和巴黎国际当代艺术博览会,及纽约大都会馆,柏林狮子行宫,澳门艺术博物馆等国内外各大机构展出。作品还被收藏于上海 Longlatti 基金会,北京X 美术馆,木木美术馆,以及上海余德耀美术馆和四方当代美术馆等国内各大机构展示收藏。

Sun Yitian (b. 1991 in Zhejiang, China) graduated from the painting department of China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing (CAFA) in 2015 and earned her Masters at the same academy in 2018. She now lives and works in Beijing. Her practice spans painting, installation, performance, and fashion. Her practice employs material objects as metaphors of labor and production to reveal the inner mechanisms of our hyper-consumerist, patriarchal society. Sun was selected in the Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia Class of 2019. Her works have been exhibited at BANK Gallery, Mine Projects Shanghai, Almine Rech, as well as Frieze London and FIAC, Paris and major organizations such as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Lion Palace, Berlin; Macao Museum of Art, etc. Her works are also in the prestigious collections of Longlatti Foundation, Shanghai; X Museum, Beijing; MWOODS, Beijing, YUZ Museum, Shanghai, SiFang Museum, Nanjing, etc.



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